Sunday, November 16, 2008

OMSI Submarine

This is the old submarine of Oregon Muesum of Science and Industry (OMSI).


Jill said...

Were you able to tour through it Meead? My son got to stay overnight with his 5th grade class. He complained how stiffling hot it was. btw this is the submarine that was in the movie "Red October".

USelaine said...

The only "submarine" I was ever in was the ride they had at Disneyland. There have been so many war movies set inside them, that I'm sure we all feel like we know what it's like.

Your fascination with transportation is very clear, looking at your blog subjects. 8^)

John Theotonio said...
This is one of about 25 museum submarines in the country.

USS Blueback (SS-581)
The last diesel-powered, non-research submarine built by the US Navy, and the last to be decommissioned after 31 years of service
Made the longest ever submerged voyage by a diesel-electric submarine, traveling 5,340 miles from Yokosuka, Japan, to San Diego, California
Appeared in the movie The Hunt for Red October

Petrea Burchard said...

Can you go inside it?

Meead said...

Yes Patrea, people can visit inside of it. It's ticket is only $5.5 for a two hour tour.

Petrea Burchard said...

That's cool. There's one in Chicago you can tour. Part of the Museum of Science and Industry, I think. But it's not under water. That makes this one more interesting, I think.

Kris McCracken said...

I wish that I had a submarine.

It's so unfair! [Stamps feet.]

Becky said...

I have yet to visit OMSI, but I've had several friends and family members go there and they all bring back glowing reports. Someday I'll check it out. I didn't know they had a submarine, though...