A collection of photos of Portland, Oregon from September 2008 to August 2010 by Meead Saberi
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sailing in a sunny day
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
College of Engineering Orientation

Yesterday was the College of Engineering orientation. We had lots of orientations in the past week. I think they have worked well and I am now completely orientated ;)
Thank you all my friends for your visits and comments. Your support make me feel that I have some old frineds (from the April 2008) here in this country.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Outside The Walmart Shopping Center

I had a very good day. I went to the Orientation and after that I went to DANCING! It was American Square Dancing! It was wonderful. There were lots of couples. Couples took their hands and circled around a hall and did some other movements that some of you, my American friends, may know what I am talking about. I had four partners during the different parts of the dance; the first one was an old woman around 70 years old (I wasn't lucky), the second one was another old woman around 60 (I wasn't lucky again), the third one was a not very beautiful Taiwani girl (I have to say I wasn't lucky again) and the last one was an American nice girl. Her name was Jennifer. This time I was lucky but only for two minutes. I'm kidding. I'm not such a bad boy. It was really interesting. I haven't ever had a similar experience before. Have you ever had? Square dancing in a group of near 100 people?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Green Hills in Portland

Good to know that I've made several friends upto now: Geetanjali (India), several Chinese girls (I can never remember their name except one: Shan Shan), Jessica (Denver), Megan (Washington DC), Nikolas (He didn't say where he is from but he is American), Richard, Melica (Turkey), a Russian girl, and Simone (the assistant of 12th floor of the dorm). I don't know why American boys are not as warm as the girls here that I cannot communicate with them as easy as girls.
It's so interesting for me to experience an American dorm's life that I only saw in some films. I saw several funny things today. A group of boys and girls playing guitar and jazz in the elevator going down and up; they were really crazy I think. They called themselves the floor 8th music band. I also saw a boy with an strange beard who played some unknown loud sounds like a song with his mouth and his breath, like DOOF DOOF, BAAP BAAP and ... He was funny.
I have to add my colleagues in the LAB also: Josh, Alex, Michael, and Rolando (all American), Huan, Ocean and Lisa (China), and Rafael (Mexico).
I don't know why when anyone asks me where I am from and I tell him/her that I'm from Iran, he/she says WOW, IRAN! Maybe it's surprising for them to see an Iranian guy in the US.
I'll talk about the differences and similarities of life in the US and life in Iran later. Just let me experience some more days.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Saturday Market

Guys, thanks so much because of your kind notes and welcoming comments. Unfortunately as the classes and working in the LAB begin, I'm afraid I couldn't find enough time to reguraly visit your blogs and make some comments. I will try to do it at least once a week.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Friday, September 19, 2008
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